Corresponding member of RAS, Professor, state prize laureate, Principial research associate of the Department for physics of superconductivity
Personal data
6 February, 1938, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Research interests
non-equilibrium processes in solids, far infrared properties of solids, far-infrared semiconductor lasers, electromagnetic properties of superconductors
- 1960 - 1963: postgraduate student, N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, plasma physics
- 1963 - 1975: Development of the physics of the instabilities in plasmas and in particular cyclotron instabilities. Development of behaviors of it in plasmas.
- 1972 - 1990: Investigation of nonequilibrium phenomena in hot electron systems in the bulk of semiconductors with main emphasis on the search for submillimeter wave negative differential conductivity.
- 1975 - 1983: Development in the Physics of instability of hydrodynamic flows to understand mechanism of whistles.
- 1990 - present: Investigation of nonequilibrium phenomena in hot electron systems in semiconducting heterostructures to find out conditions for stimulated emission in the Far and Mid IR regions
- 1992 - present: Investigation in the physics of high frequency and nonequilibrium phenomena in superconductors and superconducting junctions (in particular in High Tc superconductors) to find out situations for application in effective switching, detector and emission system
Contact detail
Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-83