н.с. отд. 130, PhD in Physics.
Лауреат стипендии им. ак. Разуваева (2006 г.), лауреат конкурсов «Лучшие аспиранты РАН» 2006 г., конкурса среди аспирантов и молодых ученых без степени фонда «Династия» 2007-2009 г. г.
Born on 15 October, 1980 in Nizhniy Novgorod, graduated from the physico-mathematical school-Lyceum № 36, married
N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Advanced School of General and Applied Physics;
postgraduate student in IPM RAS
Interaction of x-rays with matter, multilayer x-ray mirrors, рефлектометрия, x-ray lithography
2002-2004 trainee researcher the DTD. 130 of the IPM RAS
2004-2008 junior research associate DEP. 130 of the IPM RAS, postgraduate student
2008 - present research associate DEP. 130 of the IPM RAS
since 2005 - assistant of base chair «Physics of nanostructures and nanoelectronics»