Head of the Laboratory of multilayer X-ray optics technology, member of scientific council of the IPM RAS, PhD in Pysics.
Born on 4 March, 1953 in Nizhniy Novgorod.
Physics of thin films, technology of multilayer x-ray optics; scientific instrument making.
Scientific activity includes the development of technology for production of multilayer structures for X-ray optics, the study of physical processes in multilayer structures based on ultrathin metal layers, development and manufacture of automated devices magnetron sputtering of x-ray multilayer coatings, development of manufacturing technology focusing (elliptic and parabolic) elements of the X-ray optics; development and research of multilayer thin-film filters with ultra-high transparency in the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation, development and construction of stands for the diagnosis of multilayer structures for monitoring and correcting the shape of the surface of the X-ray optical elements with subnanometer accuracy, projection X-ray nanolithography.