NEW V. L. Mironov and S. V. Mironov — «
Space-Time Sedeons and Their Applications in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory», Institute for physics of microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, 2014.
NEW V. L. Mironov and S. V. Mironov —
Sedeonic equations of gravitoelectromagnetism, Journal of Modern Physics, 5 (10), 917−927 (2014).
- В.Л.Миронов, С. В. Миронов — «
Пространственно-временные седеоны и их применение в релятивистской квантовой механике и теории поля«, 2014.
- V.L.Mironov —
«Основы сканирующей зондовой микроскопии (4,8 MB) , 2004.
- A.K.Vorobiev, Y. N. Drozdov, S. A. Gusev, V. L. Mironov, N. V. Vostokov, E. B. Kluenkov, and S. V. Gaponov —

Study of correlation between the microstructure and phase inhomogeneities of Y-Ba-Cu-O epitaxial films and their DC and microwave properties. // Supercond. Sci. Technol. 12 (1999), p. 908−911.
- J.Chang, V. L. Mironov, B. A. Gribkov, A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, S. N. Vdovichev —

Magnetic state control of ferromagnetic nanodots by magnetic force microscopy probe // Journal of Applied Physics,
100, 104304−1−7 (2006).
- V.L.Mironov, B. A. Gribkov, A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, S. N. Vdovichev, I. R. Karetnikova, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevsky —

MFM probe control of magnetic vortex chirality in elliptical Co nanoparticles // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 312, 153−157 (2007).
- A.A.Fraerman, B. A. Gribkov, S. A. Gusev, A. Yu. Klimov, V. L. Mironov, D. S. Nikitushkin, V. V. Rogov, S. N. Vdovichev, B. Hjorvarsson, H. Zabel —

Magnetic force microscopy of helical states in multilayer nanomagnets. // J. Appl. Phys., 103, 073916 1−4, (2008).
- V.L.Mironov, O. G. Udalov, B. A. Gribkov, A. A. Fraerman —
Comparative x-ray reflectometry and atomic force microscopy of surfaces withnon-Gaussian roughness // J. Appl. Phys., 104, 064301 1−7, (2008).
- V.L.Mironov, A. A. Fraerman —
Interaction of a magnetic vortex with non-homogeneous magnetic field of the MFM probe (1,7 MB)(1,7 Мбайт)(1,7 MB) // Review book «Electromagnetic, Magnetostatic, and Exchange Interaction Vortices in Confined Magnetic Structures», Editor: E. O. Kamenetskii, ISBN: 978−81−7895−373−1, and Publisher, Research Signpost, p. 159−175, (2008).
- V.L.Mironov, S. V. Mironov —
Octonic representation of electromagnetic field equations (110 kB) // Journal of Mathematical Physics,
50, 012901 1−10 (2009).
- V.L.Mironov, S. V. Mironov —
Octonic second-order equations of relativistic quantum mechanics (150 kB) // Journal of Mathematical Physics,
50, 012302 1−13 (2009).
- V.L.Mironov, S. V. Mironov —
Octonic first-order equations of relativistic quantum mechanics (170 kB) // International Journal of Modern Physics A, 24(22), 4157−4167 (2009).
- V.L.Mironov, S. V. Mironov —
Sedeonic generalization of relativistic quantum mechanics (210 kB)
- V.L. Mironov, O. L. Ermolaeva, S. A. Gusev, A. Yu. Klimov, V. V. Rogov, B. A. Gribkov, O. G. Udalov, A. A. Fraerman, R. Marsh, C. Checkley, R. Shaikhaidarov, and V. T. Petrashov —
Antivortex state in crosslike nanomagnets // Physical Review B, 81, 094436 1−5 (2010).
- V.L. Mironov, O. L. Ermolaeva, E. V. Skorohodov, and A. Yu. Klimov —
Field-controlled domain wall pinning-depinning effects in ferromagneticnanowire-nanoislands system // Physical Review B, 85, 144418 1−9 (2012).
- V.L. Mironov, O. L. Ermolaeva, E. V. Skorokhodov, and J. A. Blackman —
Magnetostatic interactioneffects in an ordering hexagonal array of ferromagnetic nanoparticles // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Physics, 77(1), 32−35, (2013).
- V.L.Mironov, E. V. Skorohodov, J. A. Blackman —
Magnetic states and ferromagnetic resonance in geometrically frustrated arrays of multilayer ferromagnetic nanoparticles ordered on triangular lattices // Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 184301 (2014).
- V.L.Mironov, S. V. Mironov —
Reformulation of relativistic quantum mechanics equations with non-commutative sedeons // Applied Mathematics, 4(10C), 53−60 (2013).
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