СПИСОК ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (последние 5 лет)
Pashenkin I.Yu., Gorev R.V., Kuznetsov M.A., ... Fraerman A.A., Polushkin N.I.
Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Modifications near Room Temperature in Fe0.6Al0.4 Nanoalloys under Irradiation by Swift Heavy Ions
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, 128(21), pp. 8853–8860
Pashenkin I.Yu., Polushkin N.I., Sapozhnikov M. V., Tatarskiy D.A., Fraerman A. A. Magnetocaloric effect in the Fe/FeAl/Fe structure
Fizika Tverdogo Tela 2024, 66(7), pp. 1052-1056
Polushkin, N.I.
Quantifying the effect of non-equilibrium vacancies on Bragg–Williams ordering
Philosophical Magazine, 2023, 103(19), pp. 1775–1786
Pashenkin I.Yu., Polushkin N.I., Sapozhnikov M. V., Demidov E. S., Kravtsov E. A., Fraerman A. A.
Enhancement of magnetocaloric efficienc of Gd sacer between strong ferromagnets Physics of the Solid State 2022, 64(10), pp. 1343-1347
Chemical order relaxation in a substitutional solid alloy around the critical temperature
Polushkin, N.I.
Physical Review B, 2021, 103(10), 104207
Simulation of Chemical Order-Disorder Transitions Induced Thermally at the Nanoscale for Magnetic Recording and Data Storage
Polushkin, N.I., Möller, T.B., Bunyaev, S.A., ...Boneberg, J., Kakazei, G.N.
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(8), pp. 7668–7677
Magnetocaloric effect in exchange-coupled strong/weak/strong ferromagnet stacks
Kuznetsov, M.A., Pashenkin, I.Y., Polushkin, N.I., Sapozhnikov, M.V., Fraerman, A.A.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127(18), 183904
Direct laser interference patterning of nonvolatile magnetic nanostructures in Fe60Al40 alloy via disorder-induced ferromagnetism
Graus, P., Möller, T.B., Leiderer, P., Boneberg, J., Polushkin, N.I.
Opto-Electronic Advances, 2020, 3(1), pp. 1–7, 190027
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Py/Gd/CoFe/IrMn stacks
Polushkin, N.I., Pashenkin, I.Y., Fadeev, E., Lähderanta, E., Fraerman, A.A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 491, 165601
Thermomagnetic switching in strong/weak/strong ferromagnet stack detected with resonant X-ray magnetic reflectometry
Polushkin, N.I., Kravtsov, E.A., Vdovichev, S.N., ...Weschke, E., Fraerman, A.A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 165930
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